Oxford Iron Clinic

Specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of iron depletion and iron deficiency anaemia.


Symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, may develop over many years and often go unrecognised because of their slow onset; a silent debilitator.

The aims of the Oxford Iron Clinic are to provide:

  • high quality tests
  • interpretation of results and diagnosis from expert haematologists
  • comprehensive health and medical advice
  • appropriate individualised management and follow-up

Individuals attending the clinic enjoy personalised care in a modern, comfortable setting in central Oxford. Blood tests are carried out to the highest standards and processed in a quality-assured laboratory, accredited by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Medical expertise ensures an accurate diagnosis and will identify any further need to investigate for underlying causes or alternative diagnoses.

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms of iron deficiency generally occur before the condition has progressed to iron deficiency anaemia. 


Treatment for iron deficiency anaemia depends on the underlying cause – find our more by click the button below.

About us

The Oxford Iron Clinic is a private clinic providing expert diagnosis and management of iron depletion and iron deficiency anaemia, including comprehensive laboratory tests, consultation, advice and, where appropriate, intravenous iron infusions.

The iron clinic is held twice weekly at the Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington in Oxford, with easy patient access and parking.

We aim to provide the highest medical care in a clean comfortable environment. Clients feel confident and well informed at all stages of the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment.

What our customers say


“I would like to say a massive thank you to Sasha and yourself Dr Pavord for helping me. I’ve been able to do more even after a period 2 weeks ago. I prayed someone would help me and you did. I felt so ill all the time. It is great to feel better.”

Anita, Cardiff


“Thank you, Sasha, really appreciated and please thank Dr Pavord for me she was fantastic. “

Naomi, Oxford


“Dear Sasha, could you please pass on my thanks to Dr Pavord for giving me the infusion. “

Meg, Oxford